Police Accountability

Police Accountability

The Second Meeting of the Baltimore City Police Accountability Board will take place at 6pm on Monday, February 27th on the 15th Floor of 7 E. Redwood St, Baltimore, MD 21202 . 

The Office of Equity and Civil Rights has three civilian entities under its umbrella that handle police accountability for Baltimore City. 

The Police Accountability Board (PAB) receives all complaints of police misconduct involving the public without limitations and refers them to the appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation. The PAB does not assign independent investigators. The PAB also meets quarterly to review and make recommendations on policies, advise the Mayor and City Council on policing matters, and appoints civilian members to the Administrative Charging Committee. 

File a Complaint with the Police Accountability Board 

Apply to Serve on the Police Accountability Board

The Administrative Charging Committee (ACC) is a body of five civilian members, including the Chair of the PAB and four other community members, who review the investigations for the complaints filed with the PAB and decide on disciplinary outcomes. 

Apply to Serve on the Administrative Charging Committee

The Civilian Review Board (CRB) has concurrent jurisdiction with the PAB, receiving complaints of police misconduct and assigning independent civilian investigators to cases. By law, the CRB is limited to investigating only complaints of abusive language, harassment, false arrest, false imprisonment, and excessive force that are filed on a signed, CRB-approved complaint form within one year of the incident. The CRB is separate from the PAB and ACC, providing additional civilian oversight on the cases filed directly with the CRB.

File a Complaint with the Civilian Review Board

Apply to Serve on the Civilian Review Board